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Dr. Gregory Ganzkow, DDS
Family Dentistry, Gnathology, and Orthodontics
18528 Firlands Way North, Ste A, Shoreline WA
Phone: 206.542.3535 Fax: 206.542.8985

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Greg Ganzkow, DDS
Your Shoreline, WA Dentist

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Orthodontics for Adults & Children
Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry concerned with the supervision, guidance and correction of the growing or mature dentofacial structures, including those conditions that require movement of teeth or correction of malrelationships and malformations of their related structures and the adjustment of relationships between and among teeth and facial bones by the application of forces and/or the stimulation and redirection of functional forces within the craniofacial complex. Dr. Ganzkow is proud to be a preferred Invisalign dentist.

Orthodontic Terms

ARCHFORM - the shape of the dental arch

CLOSED BITE - Or deep bite. A malocclusion where your upper teeth completely cover your lower teeth when you bite down.

CROSSBITE - A malocclusion where some of your upper teeth are positioned lingually (inside of) to your lower teeth.

CROWDING - An orthodontic problem caused by having too many teeth in too small of a space.

CROWN ANGULATION - a tooth movement in which the root of the tooth is tipped forward or backward to correct the angle of the crown.

CROWN INCLINATION - a tooth movement in which the root of the tooth is tipped toward cheeks (lips) or toward the lingual (palate) of the mouth.

DEEP BITE - excessive overbite, or closed bite.

DRIFT - Movement of teeth into an opening (ie., extraction site).

EXTRUSION - Tooth movement in the direction of eruption. Natural extrusion: all teeth will continue to erupt into the mouth until there is contact with an opposing tooth.

MECHANICAL EXTRUSION - the use of orthodontics to apply force on a tooth in the direction of eruption.

FIXED APPLIANCE - any orthodontic component that is cemented or bonded to the teeth.

FLARED TEETH - A term used to indicate the position of the teeth. The upper teeth are flared lingually (toward the lip).

INCLINATION - the angle of the long axis of a tooth from a particular line of reference; the tilt or tip of a tooth.

INTERPROXIMAL STRIPPING - reduction of the enamel between teeth; used to create space for the movement of crowded teeth.

INTRUSION - The movement of a tooth into bone.

LINGUAL APPLIANCES - An orthodontic appliance fixed to the tongue side (inside) of your teeth.

LINGUAL ARCH - An orthodontic wire attached from molar to molar on the inside of your teeth.

MALOCCLUSION - Poor positioning of teeth.

MALOCCLUSION, CLASS I - A Malocclusion where your bite is OK (your top teeth line up with your bottom teeth) but one or more of your teeth may be slightly rotated, crowded, or out of alignment.

MALOCCLUSION, CLASS II - A Malocclusion where your upper front teeth stick out past your lower teeth; also known as "overbite" or "buck teeth."

MALOCCLUSION, CLASS III - A Malocclusion where your lower teeth stick out past your upper teeth; also known as an "under bite".

OPEN BITE - A malocclusion in which the teeth do not completely close or come together in the front of your mouth.


OVERBITE - The vertical overlapping of the upper teeth over the lower.

OVERJET - The horizontal projection of upper teeth beyond the lower.

RETRUDED - A term used to describe the situation where the incisal surface if a tooth is angled towards the lingual or palatal (towards the back of your mouth.)

ROTATION - Any rotational movement along a tooth's long axis.

SPEE, CURVE OF - The natural curvature of the occlusal plane.

STOP - A bend or auxiliary attachment placed on a wire to prevent the archwire from sliding or moving in the slot of the bracket.

TIPPING - A tooth movement in which the root of the tooth is tipped labially (lip) or lingually (tongue) to correct the angle of the crown of the tooth.

TORQUE - A type of force used in the rotation of a tooth

TRACTION - the act of pulling or drawing the teeth.

TRANSLATION - Movement in which the entire tooth moves forward or backward without tipping or rotating.

TYPODONT - A plastic model of a typical mouth, showing the alignment of teeth; typically used for teaching purposes.

Orthodontic Procedures

ACID ETCHING - A procedure whereby a mild acid is applied to your teeth to prepare them for bonding (bracket cementation.)

BONDING - the process of cementing orthodontic bands & brackets to your teeth.

CEPHALOMETRIC X-RAYS - An x-ray of the head that shows whether your teeth are arranged in the proper alignment, and whether they are growing properly.

DEBANDING - The removal of cemented orthodontic bands.

DEBONDING - The removal of the brackets from your teeth

EXTRAORAL PHOTOGRAPHS - facial photographs

IMPRESSIONS - The first step in making models of your teeth. You bite into a tray filled with an impression material (such as alginate), within a few minutes the material will harden accurately recording the shape and position of your teeth.

INVISALIGN - Invisalign treatment will consist of a series of aligners that you switch out about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place.

INTERCEPTIVE ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT - Orthodontic treatment that is usually initiated around the ages of 6 to 8. The objective of interceptive orthodontic treatment is to expand your palate and make other corrections, so that your later orthodontic treatment goes quicker and is less painful.

LIGATION - The process of attaching an archwire to the brackets on your teeth.

TIGHTENING YOUR BRACES - A process which occurs every 2 to 6 weeks while in the active phase of orthodontia.

WAX BITE - A procedure used to illustrate how well your teeth come together.

Orthodontic Appliances

APPLIANCE - Anything the orthodontist attaches to your teeth to move them or to change the shape of your jaw

ARCH WIRE - A metal wire which is attached to brackets (cemented on the teeth). These act as a guide or track along which teeth are to be moved. They are changed throughout treatment.

BAND - These are thin bangs of metal, carefully fitted to the tooth and then cemented in place. They carry brackets, tubes, or rotating levers (in other words, they become a handle on your tooth.) They give the orthodontist a means of grasping and controlling each individual tooth.

BRACKET - A metal or ceramic appliance that is cemented to your teeth and serves as a means of fastening the arch wire. Once treatment has been completed, the brackets are removed and the tooth surface polished free of cementing materials.

BREAKAWAY - A small plastic piece with an internal spring used to provide force in a facebow.

BUCCAL TUBE - A small metal appliance containing a slots to hold archwires, lip bumpers, facebows, etc. involved in the movement of teeth.

CHAIN, ORTHODONTIC - A stretchable plastic chain used to hold archwires into brackets and to move teeth.

FACEBOW, HEADGEAR - Facebows are wire apparatus used to move your upper molars back in your mouth which creates room for crowded or protrusive anterior teeth. Generally, the facebow consists of two metal parts which have been attached together. The inner part is shaped like a horseshoe. This part goes in your mouth and is connected to your buccal tubes. The outer part has two curves. The curves go around your face, and connect to the breakaways or high pull headgear. To properly use the product, the inner bow needs to be inserted into your buccal tubes. An elastic neck band is placed around the back of the neck while the triangular cast offs on both sides of neck band are attached to the outer bow of the headgear. Completing the apparatus is a plastic safety strap that is placed over the neck band and onto the outer bow of the headgear.

LIGATING MODULE - A small plastic piece, shaped like a donut, which is used to hold the arch wires in the brackets on your teeth.

LIP BUMPER - Used to push the molars in the lower jaw back to create space for other teeth. The lip bumper consists of an arch wire which is attached to a molded piece of plastic. You mount the arch wire in the buccal tubes on your lower jaw, and plastic piece rests against your lips. When you eat or talk, you push the plastic piece back which pushes on your molars, in turn, pushing the molars back.

MOUTHGUARD - A device that is used to protect the mouth from injury. The use of a mouthguard is especially important for orthodontic patients while engaging in sports to prevent injuries.

NECK PAD - A cloth covered cushion worn around the neck when putting on a facebow. Generally, the breakaways are attached to the neckpad to provide force for the facebow.

PALATAL EXPANDER - A device used to apply an expansion force to the upper jaw (to make it wider),

RETAINER - A device that your orthodontist will require you to wear following the removal of your braces. The retainer attaches to your teeth, maintaining them in the proper position.

RUBBER BANDS - These provide a force that helps teeth move, usually employing one arch or group of teeth against the other.

SAFETY STRAP - A plastic strap which prevents the facebow from coming loose and possibly hurting you.

WAX - A clear wax used to prevent trauma to
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Greg Ganzkow DDS, 18528 Firlands Way North, Suite A, Shoreline, WA 98133-3985 ~ (206) 542-3535 ~ ~ 2/4/2025 ~ Tags: dentist Shoreline WA ~